Super Lean Out 8 At Home Workout: A Comprehensive Guide

December 14, 2021

What is the Super Lean Out 8 At Home Workout?


More people are now appreciating the value of fitness and the importance of following the right training programs to get leaner, build more muscle and completely transform one’s physique.

For many years, Super Lean Out 8 At Home Workout has been the most popular fat-loss training program among my clients, especially those who are serious about building their muscles using a variety of gym equipment.

This eight-week program was designed to offer the most amazing results in terms of torching fat and keeping the muscles growing in every workout.

Being one of the most comprehensive fitness programs I’ve designed in my career, the Super Lean 8 At Home Workout combines different intensities, rep ranges and rest times to keep the body in the best shape possible.

With the amazing success of Super Lean Out 8, I’ve decided to design a similar program that can give you the same results but without the need for a fully equipped gym.

The New SS8 At Home is the same 8-week training program that’s designed to burn fat, build muscle and improve your physique by only using resistance bands and some body weight exercises.

Brandon Welch Workout

Super Super Lean Out 8 At Home Workout: An Overview


The SS8 At Home Workout program is similar to the very popular Super Lean Out 8 program that I designed a couple of years ago. You’ll do the same supersets, training splits, volumes, pre-exhaust methods, Tabata HIIT and rep ranges, only this time, you’ll just need your trusty resistance bands.

I also made some slight tweaks to the original exercise routines to make sure that it gives you the best results even if you don’t have any gym equipment at home. Let’s break down this program a bit more.


The SS8 At home training split


As a comprehensive fitness training program, SS8 At Home Workout follows the same training split or schedule as the original Super Lean Out 8 Program. This means that you’ll need to work out six days a week with the option to choose your own rest day.

Whether you prefer to do it Monday through Saturday or every day except for Wednesdays, it’s all up to you.

With SS8 At Home Workout, you’ll need to do a 3-day split, which means that you’ll be working on all of your muscle groups over the course of three workouts that’s repeated twice a week for a total of six weekly workout sessions. As long as you’re committed to this program, I guarantee that you’ll get the results that you want—and even more.

The SS8 supersets


The “super” in my Super Lean Out 8 program was inspired by the superset, which is essentially a popular method in strength training where you do back-to-back exercises before you could take a rest.

While a typical workout includes breaks in between sets so you can drink water and catch your breath while your muscles have time to recover, a superset moves from one exercise to the next to make sure that you get the most gains in a shorter amount of time.

All of the exercise routines in the SS8 At Home Workout program will be performed as supersets with the exception of the Tabata HIIT intervals. I am specifically using compound sets, which means that I am pairing two exercise routines that work on the same muscle group in every back-to-back exercise.

I also use a “pre-exhaustion” method where you are asked to perform an isolation (single joint) exercise prior to a compound (multi-joint) exercise with the goal of exhausting the target muscle group and promoting better gains.

The SS8 At Home training program is composed of two superset pairings per muscle group in every workout, except for the forearms, calves and traps that will only get a single superset per workout.

The first part of the routine usually includes traditional exercise while the second pairing will include a pre-exhaust method to ensure maximum gains. I specifically designed these pairings to include single-joint moves, but one of the routines would focus on building muscle mass.


The SS8 rep ranges


Aside from creating the right superset pairings, the SS8 At Home training program also features one low rep (heavy) and one high rep (light) exercise for every pairing. The compound part is usually done using lower reps while the isolation is done using higher reps.

The rep changes will also evolve throughout the course of the training program, which is a hallmark of the SS8 periodization model that involves two schemes: the linear on the compound moves and the reverse linear on the isolation moves. Every two weeks, you can expect the “heavy” exercises to get heavier and the “lighter” sets to get lighter because this will help you achieve maximum fat loss and better muscle gains.

To make each workout as efficient as possible, I highly recommend using a complete set of resistance bands that contain both thick and thin bands. You’ll need the thin bands for light high-rep sets while the thicker ones are useful for heavy low-rep sets.


The SS8 At Home rest periods


Throughout the course of the training program, you will see rest periods changing every two weeks just like your rep ranges. For the first two weeks, you’ll get 60-second rest periods between sets.

That number drops by 15 seconds every two weeks. This means that on weeks 3 and 4, you’ll only be taking 45 seconds of rest between supersets, on weeks 5 and 6, you’ll be taking 30-second rest periods and on weeks 7 and 8, you’ll only have 15 seconds of rest, although you can go straight to supersets without any breaks at all.


The SS8 Tabata


You’ve probably heard about the Tabata HIIT concept which is very popular because of its efficient fat-burning benefits. This is why I chose Tabata as our cardio in this fitness program where you’ll do 8 rounds of an exercise, 20 seconds on followed by a 10-second break.

This Tabata will also evolve as the weeks go by. For weeks 1 and 2, you’ll do a single exercise after each muscle group for a total of 3 Tabatas for every workout. From weeks 3 to 8, you’ll be stepping up your HITT volume with 2 Tabatas for every muscle group, which means 6 Tabatas for every session.


The SS8 At Home exercise selection


Although this training program follows the same concept as the original version, I made some tweaks to the exercise selection since you’ll only be using bands for the entire routine, although I can guarantee that there isn’t a huge difference to doing the exercises without any gym equipment.


Choosing the right resistance bands


I get a lot of questions about what type of resistance bands should be used for the SS8 At Home training program. Of course, I’d recommend my JYM Strength Bands where you get 14 types of bands with different resistance, three sets of handles, door anchors, ankle straps and other accessories.

You’ll also get over 400 pounds of total resistance, which makes these bands perfect for the SS8 At Home program. And the best part is, my JYM Strength Bands are a lot cheaper than buying free weights and other expensive gym equipment.

But since my JYM bands are usually sold out in stores, you can go with similar resistance band sets. The most important thing to do is here is to go with bands with varying resistance to make sure that you can execute my superset pairings or do rep ranges efficiently. You can check out Bodylastics on Amazon or just use any existing bands you have at home.


The exercise setup using bands


Setting up your workout space at home for the SS8 At Home program starts with different anchor points. You’ll need a high, mid-, and low anchor point to perform these workouts efficiently. Your high anchor point, for instance, could be on top of a door while your low anchor point could be at floor level.

I also designed my supersets where you won’t need to change anchor points, especially since you won’t have any rest before moving from the first exercise to the next.

With the same anchor point for each superset, you won’t need to worry about not having the time to move your band to a different anchor point or switch from a thicker to a thinner band.

But in those very few instances where you’ll need to switch anchor points between the exercise, it’s best to have bands set up for both so you can just move to the next exercise without any hassles.

Finally, you shouldn’t except to get everything perfectly overnight. In fact, you’ll need to do some trial and error during workouts, especially when using different band resistances and make adjustments along the way.

This is just the same with using real gym equipment where you’ll also need to do some experimenting before you get the right combinations.

Are you excited to try my Super Lean 8 At Home workout program? Whether you’re looking to burn those stubborn fat or build your muscles, I guarantee that this is the right fitness program for you. Click here to get started.