


Pushing yourself but not seeing the payoff?
Could hidden health challenges be obstructing your body composition objectives?

We understand – it can be disheartening.

But don’t worry, PharmacyAthlete is here to assist. Our specialty lies in merging sports nutrition with functional medicine, adopting a holistic approach to your body for peak outcomes.

With a nutrition strategy tailored to your active lifestyle and top-tier coaching, your body will finally mirror your dedication and effort.

You’ve been training rigorously all year to achieve your fitness goals.

Now, it’s time to witness the results by fine-tuning your nutrition.

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achieve your goals and feel betterTailored Packages

At PharmacyAthlete, we're committed to helping you reach your goals and feel your best.

We recognize that everyone is unique, and we’re enthusiastic about tailoring our approach to suit your needs. Whether your aim is to achieve your ideal physique or address health concerns, we develop personalized nutrition packages just for you!

Our coaching encompasses:

  • Customized nutrition plans tailored to your lifestyle
  • Weight Loss
  • Muscle Gain
  • Gut Health (IBS, IBD, Digestion)
  • Hormone Balance for Men and Women, including Cortisol, Fertility, Peri and Post Menopause
  • Sustainable Healthy Eating & Lifestyle Skills
  • Autoimmunity (Thyroid, PCOS, Fibromyalgia)
  • Food Sensitivities and Allergies
  • Guidance for Eating during Travel, Entertainment, and Business Dinners
  • Grocery Shopping Tips
  • Optimal Performance and Hydration
    And More!

With years of experience and countless success stories, we’re ready to help you on your journey. Are you ready to start?


Working with PharmacyAthlete has been a great experience. They're enthusiastic, honest, and dedicated to the success of my business.

Fitness Instructor

PharmacyAthlete has been a vital expert resource. They want to know how our marketing efforts effect our bottom line.

Personal Workout

PharmacyAthlete makes creative strategy more rigorous. Our strategy is wrapped in a bow. That was new.

Recreational Fitness

Paving Your Path to Success

If you've been grappling with achieving your desired results or dealing with an underlying health issue, you've landed at the right place.

Our Functional Medicine Sports Nutrition approach at PharmacyAthlete is designed just for you. We’re passionate about empowering everyone – from regular gym-goers to enthusiastic beginners – to become their healthiest selves and attain the body they aspire to have.

Our mission is to minimize reliance on prescription medicine and address the root cause of health issues rather than merely masking them. Our team has extensive experience with autoimmunity and a variety of diets, including gluten-free, paleo, vegan, FODMAP, keto, and more.

We are proficient in functional lab testing, interpreting results, and crafting a nutrition plan that aligns with your lifestyle and needs while helping you achieve your fitness or body composition objectives.

We collaborate with labs such as GI-MAP, DUTCH, Spectracell, nutragenomics, Organic Acid Testing, NutraEval, heavy metal, and food sensitivity testing.

Let’s embark on this journey together!


Performance and Athlete Nutrition

This program includes an initial assessment, dietary analysis, lab work for sports performance, a wellness guide, performance-boosting supplements, athlete reports, personalized meal plans, and progress assessments.
  • One-hour initial assessment
  • Complete dietary analysis
  • Lab work for sports performance
  • Data-driven Wellness guide
  • Evidence based supplements for peak performance
  • Athlete Performance consumer reports
  • Individual meal plan
  • Ongoing assessment of progress

Performance and Athlete Nutrition

Functional Nutrition Testing

Our weight-management program offers an initial assessment, wellness questionnaire, dietary analysis, lab work for weight management, weight loss supplements, individual meal plans, progress assessments, and weekly follow-ups.
  • One-hour initial assessment
  • Wellness Questionnaire
  • Complete dietary analysis
  • Lab work for weight management and health
  • Evidence based supplements for weight loss
  • Individual meal plan
  • Ongoing assessment of progress
  • 15 minute weekly follow ups

Functional Nutrition Testing

Active Lifestyle Nutrition

This program provides wellness assessments, dietary guidance, lab tests, goal tracking, supplements, custom meal plans, progress checks, weekly calls, and optional genetic testing.
  • One-hour initial assessment
  • Wellness Questionnaire
  • Complete dietary analysis
  • Personal Health Analysis
  • Data-driven Wellness guide
  • Lab work for optimal health
  • Consumer report of goals and progress
  • Evidence based supplements for optimal health
  • Individual meal plan
  • Ongoing assessment of progress
  • 15 minute weekly zoom calls
  • Nutrigenomic testing available (if applicable)
  • Pharmacogenomic testing available (if applicable)

Active Lifestyle Nutrition