


The right nutritional strategy can be a game-changer.

No matter if you’re in college, playing at a professional level, or gearing up for your next objective, one fact remains constant:

A well-tailored sports nutrition plan can significantly enhance your athletic performance and weight management goals.

Discover our sports nutrition offerings below, meticulously crafted for the high-performing athlete.

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SPORTS NUTRITIONPerformance? Think Nutrition!

Are you committed to maximizing your athletic performance, refining your body composition, and extending your career? If so, sports nutrition is the key to shattering your athletic limitations. Remember, what you consume directly influences your performance, health, and overall results.

Here at PharmacyAthlete, we champion the cause of functional medicine sports nutrition. This holistic and personalized approach is grounded in evidence-based protocols, designed to deliver top-tier results. Our comprehensive method addresses a wide range of areas, including performance enhancement, gut health, micronutrient balance, hydration, injury prevention, nutrient timing, and the optimization of recovery and sleep patterns through nutrition.

Leveraging our extensive knowledge and experience, we are thrilled to guide you in weaving sports nutrition into the fabric of your athletic career, helping you outpace your competition. Furthermore, we will collaborate with you to craft a comprehensive lifestyle plan that is not only effective but also tailored to your unique needs. Your journey to greatness starts here!


Working with PharmacyAthlete has been a great experience. They're enthusiastic, honest, and dedicated to the success of my business.

Fitness Instructor

PharmacyAthlete has been a vital expert resource. They want to know how our marketing efforts effect our bottom line.

Personal Workout

PharmacyAthlete makes creative strategy more rigorous. Our strategy is wrapped in a bow. That was new.

Recreational Fitness

THIS IS WHAT WE DOPartnering with Coaches for Athletic Excellence

At PharmacyAthlete Nutrition, we collaborate intimately with coaches and sports agents, preparing your athletes for pivotal events like the NFL and NBA Combine, Prodays, and throughout their careers.

Our goal is to ensure your athletes are at their physical peak when it matters most.

Moreover, we guide professional athletes towards achieving optimal nutritional performance, setting them up for success on and off the field.

Details about our packages are provided below. To discuss the unique needs of your athlete, feel free to reach out to our team directly. We’re eager to connect with you and explore how we can elevate your athlete’s performance together!


Elevate Your GameHigh School &

College Athletes

Are you primed to catapult your performance into a new stratosphere?

Whether you’re gearing up for a coveted college scholarship or setting your sights on a professional career, there’s one undeniable truth:

Your nutritional strategy will be the defining factor that sets you apart from the pack.

At PharmacyAthlete Nutrition, we’re not just aware of your needs—we’ve crafted specialized programs with you in mind. Let us help you gain the competitive edge you need to excel.



Performance and Athlete Nutrition

This program includes an initial assessment, dietary analysis, lab work for sports performance, a wellness guide, performance-boosting supplements, athlete reports, personalized meal plans, and progress assessments.
  • One-hour initial assessment
  • Complete dietary analysis
  • Lab work for sports performance
  • Data-driven Wellness guide
  • Evidence based supplements for peak performance
  • Athlete Performance consumer reports
  • Individual meal plan
  • Ongoing assessment of progress

Performance and Athlete Nutrition

Functional Nutrition Testing

Our weight-management program offers an initial assessment, wellness questionnaire, dietary analysis, lab work for weight management, weight loss supplements, individual meal plans, progress assessments, and weekly follow-ups.
  • One-hour initial assessment
  • Wellness Questionnaire
  • Complete dietary analysis
  • Lab work for weight management and health
  • Evidence based supplements for weight loss
  • Individual meal plan
  • Ongoing assessment of progress
  • 15 minute weekly follow ups

Functional Nutrition Testing

Active Lifestyle Nutrition

This program provides wellness assessments, dietary guidance, lab tests, goal tracking, supplements, custom meal plans, progress checks, weekly calls, and optional genetic testing.
  • One-hour initial assessment
  • Wellness Questionnaire
  • Complete dietary analysis
  • Personal Health Analysis
  • Data-driven Wellness guide
  • Lab work for optimal health
  • Consumer report of goals and progress
  • Evidence based supplements for optimal health
  • Individual meal plan
  • Ongoing assessment of progress
  • 15 minute weekly zoom calls
  • Nutrigenomic testing available (if applicable)
  • Pharmacogenomic testing available (if applicable)

Active Lifestyle Nutrition