How to Best Take BCAAs

January 25, 2022

What are BCAAs?

Get the optimal benefits from your BCAA supplement. But are you taking the appropriate supplement ratio at the right time? Incorporate BCAAs in your workout routine and you will see what I mean.

If you are a fitness enthusiast, highly trained athlete, or a gym rat, then you have probably heard about BCAAs. Some evidence suggests that Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) help build muscles, aid in fat loss, boost brain power, reduce post-workout fatigue, and increase energy levels.

BCAAs comprise three amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Leucine is responsible for boosting muscle protein synthesis specifically after a workout while valine is the amino acid in charge of numbing fatigue through a particular brain mechanism. And for faster weight loss, isoleucine is the known contributor.

Below, I am going to discuss in detail how to exactly use BCAAs to get the best results in muscle gains.

What is the Best BCAA Ratio?

BCCA ratio

When taking a BCAA supplement, it is not just about getting the right amount but also getting the exact ratio.

2:1:1 is the best and most popular ratio of leucine to isoleucine to valine. Example: 6 grams of BCAA should give you 3 grams of leucine, 1.5 grams of isoleucine, and valine respectively. But if you are to maximize muscle protein synthesis, you can go as high as the 3:1:1 ratio. Any ratio that is above the suggested maximum ratio would only give little isoleucine and valine.

Use But Not Abuse

You may have seen bodybuilders in the gym with a water jug flavored with BCAA supplement and sipped on that jug all day in the hopes of increasing muscle protein synthesis at the same time stopping muscle fatigue.

It does not mean that you have seen this often, this is right. I am sad to break the news, but this technique will give you opposite results. Doing this will prevent spikes in MPS or muscle protein synthesis. According to research, it is necessary to cycle your BCAA intake, allowing a couple of hours break in between doses to create a “true” MPS strike. The presence of leucine in the bloodstream averts MPS spikes since these come only when leucine levels in the blood are low.

Taking a BCAA supplement all the time is not a guarantee of getting the best results. Sipping BCAA all day is not the right way of doing it not unless your goal is to stay energized throughout the day.

So, have you ever wondered what are the right cycle for BCAA intake so, that you can enjoy its supreme benefits? Refer to my priority list below and only take your BCAA only at these times.

BCAA Cycle Intake Based on Priority

Priority 1: Workout Energy Booster

Timing: 30 minutes pre-workout

BCAAs go directly to the muscles to fuel the muscles for energy, hence; the best time to get a 6-10 gram dose of BCAA is before you start with your workout regimen. Besides, valine prevents the uptake of the amino acid tryptophan which aids in lower serotonin levels during the workout which prevents fatigue.

Priority 2: Pushing Muscle Growth and Recovery

Timing: 30 minutes within post-workout

Getting the 6-10 gram dose of BCAA after a workout is another critical time to remember. It is vital to get leucine to the muscle cells within 30 minutes after workouts to activate the protein kinase “mTor” for boosted muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and muscle growth.

Priority 3: Driving Muscle Protein Synthesis Between Meals

Timing: 2 hours post-meal

A meal that includes at least 3 grams of leucine and minimal 30 grams of protein will instantly spike MPS. But 2 hours after the meal, MPS will drop. Luckily, the amino acids are still in the bloodstream, and adding another 3 grams of leucine, isoleucine, and valine could bring a second MPS spike.

Priority 4: Spiking Up Leucine Meal Content

Timing: for meals that lack the required at least 30 grams of protein

You need to have at least 30 grams of complete protein and 3 grams of leucine to maximize MPS. If your meal provides less than these requirements, a BCAA supplement can help you get the adequate numbers to create a spike in MPS.

Take a 6-10 gram dose of BCAA supplement to allow a bigger MPS spike from the same meal. This will ensure that you have enough leucine content in the bloodstream for that potent spike in MPS.

Your Sources of BCAAs

Both my Pre BRN and Post BRN (active matrix) products provide 6 grams of BCAAs in the proper ratio of leucine to isoleucine to valine (each serving). You can have one or the other (depending on your caffeine tolerance or requirement) to get your BCAA needs. Besides, taking either product will also give you other ingredients like creatinine, beta-alanine, betaine, and taurine.

But you also have the option to just use my stand-alone BCAA product; BRN BCAAs which is available here. Taking BRN BCAA alone supplies the ideal 2:1:1 ratio of leucine to isoleucine to valine.

Read my article on protein powered here.

Optimal Nutrition