Fish Oil for Your DNA and Muscle Gains

January 20, 2022

Fish Oil For Muscle Gains

Evidence shows that fish all is not only good for that heart but also for muscle growth and overall health.

The right genes and a healthy lifestyle contribute to a healthier body and life. And as you grow older, protect your DNA by taking fish oil.

A new study suggests that DNA damage is associated with low levels of omega 3 fatty acids like docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). And when left untreated can eventually lead to aging faster than it should be (premature aging), neurological disease, and cancer.

The good thing is, both DHA and EPA are in my super-potent fish oil supplement – Omega BRN. Both are contained in fair amounts for their optimal benefits. Below, I’ll have an in-depth discussion about the DNA and Omega-3 oil and their overall benefits to your overall wellness and fitness goals.

The Connection between DNA and Fish Oil

According to the research published in on June 24, 2020, subjects of the study with the highest levels of EPA and DHA showed the lowest DNA damage.

As we get older, DNA strands weaken and become damaged due to several factors like radiation, harmful chemicals, environmental hazards, and other internal influences.

These sources harm the DNA strands which affect the replication of DNA. When this happens, the body is unable to produce proteins, allowing the body to function properly.

This means, the longer you live the more you will be exposed to these health hazards which leads to diminished DNA replication resulting in abnormal cells, tissues, and systems function. As a result, people with low levels of DHA and EPA are prone to diseases and chronic illnesses.

But there is always a remedy to this through the aid of fish oil. As per the aforementioned study, Omega-3 fats appear to provide a preventive mechanism that aids in keeping the DNA intact and working properly.

These positive effects have been discovered in older adults and disease population. But it is only in this recent study that such advantage is found in healthy and younger people ages 9-13 years old. Getting adequate Omega-3 fats regularly can protect you from illnesses when you age.

Regardless of how young or how healthy you are, regular intake of fish oil can be beneficial. It is also worth mentioning that if you have kids, add sufficient Omega-3 oil to their daily diet to enjoy its optimal benefits including living longer and healthier lives.

Fish Oil for Fitness Advantages

Fish oil is not just about extending your life and keeping your overall wellness in top shape. Omega-3 fats are also recognized to boost muscle growth and recovery through enhanced MPS or Muscle Protein Synthesis.

Like its DNA-protecting benefits, the muscle-enhancing benefits of Omega-3 oils were first found in the older population. In one study, older female and male adults with age 65 years old and older were supplemented with 4 grams of Omega-3 fats for 8 consecutive weeks.

At the end of the experiment, researchers found that subjects taking ample Omega-3 fats exhibit higher muscle protein synthesis (MPS) when taken with high protein meals compared to those with no additional Omega-3 intake.

Based on the results of the study, researchers believe that Omega-3 fats only produce muscle-enhancing benefits for older adults suffering from sarcopenia. Sarcopenia refers to the syndrome linked to aging, lifestyle, and poor health, characterized by an involuntary loss of muscle mass and strength.

However, another study conducted by the same researchers showed the same benefits on muscle growth in younger people, ages between 24 and 25.

The same supplementation of Omega-3 fats and the same duration indicates that the younger and healthy population had higher muscle protein synthesis and bigger muscle cells compared to those taking a placebo.

Choosing the Right Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements

Fish oil benefits

Omega-3 oils are probably the most underrated products today. But with all its amazing benefits, it should not be taken for granted. However, taking Omega-3 fats means getting the right amount to make the most of its advantages.

Make sure to get the sufficient and recommended amount of Omega-3 fats. In MPS or muscle protein synthesis-focused and muscle growth studies, researchers suggest 1,500 mg of DHA intake to maximize its muscle-changing gains.

But, with so many Omega-3 supplements available in the market, picking the right product can be challenging. With my Omega BRN, you will receive the recommended DHA and EPA doses.

My Omega BRN is the only fish oil product in the market that delivers the full 1,500 mg required DHA along with the suggested 1,500 mg EPA and docosapentaenoic acid or DPA (the newly discovered form of Omega-3).

Just take 4 capsules of My Omega BRN fish oil to get the daily dose which can be taken with meals all at once. Or you have the option to have these in divided doses throughout the day.

Do not leave your DNA and muscles taken for granted. Protect yourself from harmful age-related illnesses by taking sufficient doses of Omega-3 fats.

Read “Your guide to the system of muscles in your body” here.

Optimal Nutrition