Rookie to Elite Advanced Program Overview

January 22, 2022

Advanced Program from Rookie to Elite

fitness trainer naples fl

Below is the detailed breakdown of my Rookie to Elite Advanced training program.

The first 3 weeks of the training program are focused on 8 classic movements, each one targeting a major muscle group of the body. The order of the routines is designed to complement each other.

This is also to allow assistance to muscles to rest before making them the main focus in later exercises. The routine must be repeated 3x a week, for a total of 9 by the end of Phase 1.

Exercise #1 – Bench Press


Targeted Muscles: Pectoralis Major and Minor (Pecs, Chest)

Assistance Muscles 

Anterior Deltoid (Delt, Front Shoulder), Triceps Brachii (Triceps, Back of the Upper Arm)

All About Bench Press Exercise

Set and Rep Scheme

3 sets of 10-12 reps

Rest and Interval

2-3 minutes

Bench Press Overview

The bench press routine is one of the most recognized weightlifting exercises.

Here, you will be doing the classic flat bench presses to train your nervous system to integrate muscle contraction in your pectoral muscles. This is also for assistance muscles like your anterior, front deltoids, and triceps.

These muscle groups working in sync with each other are what make the pressing movement of the bench press possible. Then in the later weeks of the program, you will be performing chest exercises at different angles to emphasize certain portions of the chest muscles.

How to Perform Bench Press

Lie face up on a bench press bench with your feet flat on the floor. Grasp the barbell with an overhand grip. Make sure that your hands are slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

It is also vital to maintain five points of contact all the time. Make sure each foot is on the floor and hips, shoulders, and head on the bench. Additionally, ensure to retract your shoulder blades by squeezing them together to better stretch and engage the chest muscle fibers for overall strength and impact.

Once enough weight (to limit you to 10 to 12 repetitions) is loaded onto the bar, carefully unrack the bar and slowly lower it towards your chest. Align your wrists with your elbows, and elbows out to your sides at about a 45-degree angle.

So, when the bar touches your chest, press back forcefully up until your arms are almost completely straightened. Repeat the process until you have completed 10 up to 12 reps. Rerack the bar once done and rest for 2-3 minutes. Begin another set afterward.

Exercise #2 – Barbell Bent-Over Row

Targeted Muscles 

Latissimus Dorsi (Lats, Sides of the Back)

Assistance Muscles 

Middle Trapezius (Traps, Top of the Back), Teres Major and Minor, Rhomboids (Upper Back), Erector Spinae (Lower and Middle Back), Biceps Brachii (Biceps, Front Upper Arm)

All About Barbell Bent-Over Row Exercise: Overview and Instruction

Set and Rep Scheme

3 sets of 10-12 reps

Rest and Interval

2-3 minutes

Barbell Bent-Over Row Overview

Although Barbell Bent-Over Row is a comprehensive lift that involves several muscle groups, this exercise primarily focuses on the muscles of the upper back.

Even if there are other back exercises to emphasize muscles in this area, barbell bent-over row is the perfect choice for beginners because of the way it incorporates so many muscle fibers in a single movement.

How to Perform Barbell Bent-Over Row

To perform this exercise, first, you have to position the barbell on the floor or in a power rack (whichever you prefer). Ensure that the weight load will limit you to achieve at least 10-12 reps.

Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Slightly bend your knees (bend forward from the hips) while keeping your torso just above parallel to the floor and your chest lifted to maintain the natural arch on your back. Then, take an overhand grip on the bar and hands positioned just outside shoulder-width.

Pull the bar to your lower abs, contract your lats and middle-back muscles hard, and then slowly lower the bar down to full arm extension. Repeat this until you have reached 10-12 repetitions. Rest for at least 2 to 3 minutes and before moving on to your next set.

Exercise #3 – Squat


Targeted Muscles 

Rectus Femoris, Vastus Lateralis, Vastus Medialis, Vastus Intermedius (Quadriceps Femoris or Quads, Front Thigh), Gluteus Maximus (Glutes, Buttocks)

Assistance Muscles 

Semimembranosus, Semitendinosus, Biceps Femoris (Hamstrings, Rear Thigh), Adductors (Inner Thigh), Psoas (Hip Flexors)

Squat Overview

Set and Rep Scheme

3 sets of 10-12 reps

Rest and Interval

2-3 minutes

The squat is another classic movement along with the first 2 aforementioned exercises that engage multiple muscle groups. The squat is one of the “Big Three” lifts in resistance training.

Along with Exercise #1, the bench press and deadlift, you will be performing squat in weeks 10-12.

How to Perform Squat

To start with, set the barbell in a power rack, smith machine, or a squat rack just below shoulder length. Then as always, load the bar with enough weight to limit you within the 10-12 specified reps.

Position your shoulder under the bar, straighten and make sure the bar rests on your shoulders and traps. Make sure both hands and feet are shoulder-width apart. Keep the natural arch on your lower back at the same time keeping your head directed forward.

Bend at the hips and knees, then slowly let your behind track backward to lower yourself as if you are sitting down. Once you have reached the position where your thighs are parallel to the floor, reverse direction, and drive up forcefully through your heels to a standing position.

Repeat the steps until you have hit 10 to 12 repetitions. Then, rest for 2-3 minutes and then start with another set.

Exercise #4 – Barbell Shoulder Press

Barbell Shoulder Press

Targeted Muscles 

Anterior and Lateral Deltoids (Delts, Front and Middle Shoulder)

Assistance Muscles 

Posterior Deltoid (Delt, Rear Shoulder), Trapezius (Traps, Top of the Back), Triceps Brachii (Triceps, Rear Upper Arm)

Barbell Shoulder Press Overview

Set and Rep Scheme

3 sets of 10-12 reps

Rest and Interval

2-3 minutes

The overhead barbell shoulder press workout is primarily focused on front and side deltoids or shoulder muscles. Developing these muscles will improve your strength and ability to perform any other lifts as the shoulders work as assistance muscles for most upper-body movements and workouts.

The overhead barbell shoulder press can be performed standing or seating. However, the seated variation is ideal for beginners or those who are returning to the gym after hiatus.

How to Perform Barbell Shoulder Press

To perform barbell shoulder press, set up the barbell on a shoulder press bench or a moveable bench with a 90-degree back. Set up the load in a power rack or smith machine with sufficient weight to limit you to hit 10-12 reps.

Position your feet on the ground, take an overhand grip on the bar with hands a little wider than shoulder-width, position the bar over and in front of your head to the start position under your chin and just above your upper chest.

Press the bar straight up overhead until arms are completely extended but not locked out. Then slowly lower the bar back to the start position. Take a rest for 2-3 minutes. Repeat for your next set.

Exercise #5 – Triceps Pressdown

Triceps Pressdown

Targeted Muscles 

Triceps Brachii (Triceps, Rear Upper Arm)

Assistance Muscles 

Anconeus (Rear Elbow)

Triceps Pressdown Overview

Set and Rep Scheme

3 sets of 10-12 reps

Rest and Interval

2-3 minutes

This cable station exercise is designed to isolate the three heads of the triceps brachii, all important accessories to perform bench press as well as a contributor to the overall arm size.

How to Perform Triceps Pressdown

Pick a weight on the cable machine that you can manage to lift for between 10-12 repetitions. Face the high-cable pulley with a pressdown bar attached to it and with a slight bend on your knees. Ensure feet are spread about shoulder-width apart then grasp the pressdown bar with an overhand grip.

Hold the bar at chest level while keeping your elbows stationary, then straighten your arms until fully extended. Pause at full arm extension, flex your triceps, and return the bar to the start position.

Repeat the steps until you have hit 10-12 reps, rest for 2-3 minutes before you start with your next set.

Exercise #6 – Barbell Curl

Barbell Curl

Targeted Muscles 

Biceps Brachii (Biceps, Front Upper Arm)

Assistance Muscles 

Brachialis (Upper Arm, Inner Elbow), Brachioradialis (Forearm, Inner Elbow)

Barbell Curl Overview

Set and Rep Scheme

3 sets of 10-12 reps

Rest and Interval

2-3 minutes

The barbell curl is a well-recognized exercise just like the bench press. Here, you will be doing the classic barbell curl following the proper basic form.

How to Perform Barbell Curl

Load a barbell with enough weight to bring you to a failure within the 10-12 reps range. Grasp the barbell through the underhand grip, in shoulder-width while knees are slightly bent and feet about hip-width apart.

Let the bar hang to your thighs while abs and the elbows stationary. Then, slowly curl the bar in an arc towards your shoulder, pause, squeeze your biceps, and slowly position the bar to the start.

Repeat until you have reached 10-12 reps. Rest for 2-3 minutes before you move on to the next set.

Exercise #7 – Standing Calf Raise

Standing Calf Raise

Targeted Muscles 

Gastrocnemius, Soleus (Calves, Rear Lower Leg)

Assistance Muscles 

Tibialis Anterior (Front Lower Leg)

Standing Calf Raise Overview

Set and Rep Scheme

3 sets of 12-15 reps

Rest and Interval

1-2 minutes

Strong calves play an essential role in endurance and agility while playing sports, cardiovascular exercises, and simply walking around daily.

How to Perform Standing Calf Raise

Stand on the foot block of a standing calf raise machine, smith machine, or a power rack with a barbell with enough weight that can limit you to 10-15 reps.

The barbell should be across your back as you are performing a squat. Ensure feet are in a comfortable position and toes are pointing forward before you begin.

Keep your knees straight, not locked, rise onto the balls of your feet and squeeze at the top of the lift, moving only at the ankles. Carefully lower the heels back to the start position, repeat for at least 12 to 15 reps, then rest for a minute or two before moving to the next set.

Exercise #8 – Crunch


Targeted Muscles 

Rectus Abdominis (Abs, Stomach)

Assistance Muscles 

Transverse Abdominis (Deep Abs, Stomach), Internal and External Abdominal Obliques (Abs, Side of the Stomach)

Crunch Overview

Set and Rep Scheme

3 sets to failure

Rest and Interval

1-2 minutes

Chiseled abs are the goal of every fitness enthusiast. Although this is largely the result of a healthy diet, strengthening your abs is more important than its visible appearance.

Weaker abs lead to weaker lifts; hence, it is vital to perform abdominal crunch to bolster them up to help in most of your lift exercises.

How to Perform Crunch

Lie on the floor with your back and feet flat on the floor and your knees bent.

Cup your hands loosely behind your head, then, contract through your abs to lift your shoulders and upper back off the floor.

Hold this position for a second or two before lowering your back to the start position. Repeat until you can no longer lift your shoulders off the ground. Rest for 1-2 minutes, and then continue to the next set.

Optimal Nutrition