Britney Thompson Wellness Profile

December 25, 2021

Britney Thompson Wellness Journey

It was 2016 when I started my fitness journey through the Lean Out Army. I especially loved two training programs with Brandon Welch, the Super-Human and Super Lean Out 8.

I started working out using the Super-Human program and I got way better results than I expected. I was so committed to achieving my fitness goals during this time and I followed the program to the letter, which is why I had such amazing results.

But after completing Super-Human, I found myself slacking again. I made excuses about skipping my workouts, I went back to my old lifestyle, and I stopped counting my macros. Before I knew it, I was back to 130 pounds and for a 5’0 tall woman, I felt so heavy and frustrated about my body.

Getting on track with Super Lean Out 8

I beat myself up for being lazy and gaining back all the weight I lost. The last time I weighed 130 pounds was when I quit smoking more than 20 years ago.

But I was determined to get back on track and that’s when the Super Lean Out 8 program came about. Within just eight weeks, I lost a total of 14 pounds and 10 inches by following this amazing training program.

SLO8 was everything I wanted in a program. By committing myself to following it, I was able to live a healthier lifestyle and work out properly to get the results I want.

Since starting SLO8, I’m now more consistent with my diet and I enjoy working out at home and at the gym. It’s not just a simple workout routine for me, but it’s become a lifestyle of some sort. Brandon’s programs will never be boring, so you will be on your toes all the time.

I also get to focus on the most important element of my fitness journey—nutrition. I follow a macro-based diet that includes JYM supplements.

My journey towards the stage despite the adversity

2020 was a tough year for everyone, but I tried to focus on my goals to prepare myself for a physique competition. I started my preparations back in late October to November 2019 for a March 2020 competition, but that got cancelled because of the COVID-10 pandemic. I continued with my preparations and I finally got on stage on October 31, 2020.

I’ve wanted to be on stage since 2013 and making that dream come true has been very rewarding for me. Although preparations are not easy, I continued with my workouts even if I was diagnosed with brain tumor and had to take a break from going to the gym.

Today, I can honestly say that I’ve accomplished a lot with the help of the Super-Human and SLO8 programs. Although I still have my ups and downs, I always want to prove to myself that I can do it—and I did.

Getting the perfect balance in her 50s

Britney Thompson is now enjoying her healthiest life yet. In these photos, you’ll see her at 126 pounds at 50 years old and at 92 pounds at 51 years old. Today, she is 52 years old and still following a healthy lifestyle, although she still enjoys her favorite foods every now and then.